Bharat Bhargava
Purdue University
Professor Bharat Bhargava a professor of computer science at Purdue University. He is conducting research in security and privacy issues in Service Oriented Architecture (SoA) and Cloud Computing. This involves identity management, trust and privacy, secure routing in internet and mobile networks and dealing with malicious hosts, adaptability to attacks, controlled data dissemination, and experimental studies. His recent work involves attack graphs for collaborative attacks. Prof. Bhargava has won six best paper awards in addition to the technical achievement award and golden core award from IEEE, and is a fellow of IEEE. He received Outstanding Instructor Awards from the Purdue chapter of the ACM in 1996 and 1998. He has graduated the largest number of PhD students in CS department and is active in supporting/mentoring minority students. He has graduated the largest number of women PhD students and the first African American student PhD in Purdue’s CS department. In 2003, he was inducted in the Purdue's Book of Great Teachers. He is editor-in-chief of four journals and serves on over ten editorial boards of international journals. Professor Bhargava is the founder of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems, IEEE conference on Digital Library, and the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Bhargava has worked extensively at research laboratories of Air Force and Navy. He has successfully completed several Darpa and Navy STTR and AFRL projects. His recent work on Controlled Data Dissemination in untrusted environments under attacks received the first place in Purdue’s CERIAS security center symposium held in March 2015. This system integrated with secure browser (of MIT W3G.org) for adaptable E2E service configuration and agile defense under various contexts will be demonstrated to clients of NGC Corporation in their Tech-Fest in June, 2015 in McLean, Virginia.
Research Interest
security and privacy issues in Service Oriented Architecture (SoA) and Cloud Computing. This involves identity management, trust and privacy, secure routing in internet and mobile networks and dealing with malicious hosts, adaptability to attacks, controlled data dissemination, and experimental studies