Andrzej Buchacz
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Title: Power steering system body-modeling and analysis of its vibrations subsystems
Biography: Andrzej Buchacz
In the Gliwice Research Centre, the multiple problems of different models of vibrating beam systems analyzed by the structural numbers methods modelled by means of the graphs and hypergraphs have been solved. The discrete - continuous torsionally and flexibly vibrating mechanical and mechatronic systems were considered. In comparison to dynamical flexibilities only for mechanical flexibly vibrating beam, as a part of complex mechanical and/or mechatronic systems, exact method and approximate methods were used. In this paper, the hypergraphs methods have been used for modeling of mechanical subsystems – vibrating beams – of simply mechatronic subsystems of complex mechatronic systems. On the base of the obtained formulas, which were determined by the exact and approximate method, it is possible to make the analysis of the considered vibrating system by only approximate method. Taking into consideration, other boundary conditions of mechanical or mechatronic systems and other kinds of their vibrations, it is necessary to achieve other researches review in this paper. The problems will be presented in future works, because necessary conditions to synthesis of transverse vibrating mechanical or/and complex mechatronic systems must be obtained.