Harish Kumar Sahoo
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, India
Title: Sparse adaptive fi ltering for wireless channel estimation and equalization
Biography: Harish Kumar Sahoo
Rayleigh’s distribution is mainly used when fading wireless medium does not have proper line of sight (LOS) path and is dominated by a large number of non-line of sight (NLOS) paths due to refl ections of the received signal. Also because of relative motion of the base station and mobile station, a random frequency shift is generally introduced in the carrier, which can be realized in terms of Doppler spread. In case of Rayleigh’s fading channels, generally two critical problems arise in receiver design those are accurate estimations of channel coeffi cients followed by mitigation of channel impairments like inter symbol interference (ISI) and fading in presence of user mobility. Th e accuracy of estimated channel state information (CSI) is really crucial to design robust equalizer for reconstruction of bit sequence and the equalizer performance is aff ected by the fading rate and Doppler spread. Th e main research is oriented towards the exploitation of underlying sparseness of block adaptive fi lters through L0-norm penalty for accurate estimation with stable convergence which helps to design computationally effi cient adaptive models that can be eff ectively used for practical applications. Block and fast block processing can be quite eff ective techniques for outdoor fading wireless environment with proper choice of modulation formats.